Using Guaranteed Slots

Does your program have an activity that must be scheduled throughout the week or session? Camps often have one or two activities that make up the foundation of their schedule. Use guaranteed slots for those specific activities to tell the system the minimum amount of times that a group needs to be scheduled for that particular activity each week. This is all noted on the right hand side of the activity settings.

Example: if swimming is the first activity you typically schedule by hand, and groups need it 5 times per week, you would enter a "5" in the guaranteed slots field. 

The auto scheduler works by first scheduling meals, followed by activities with assigned guaranteed slots based on their importance level. Activities with guaranteed slots and an importance of 10 are scheduled first, next nine, eight, seven, etc. No two activities with guaranteed slots should have the same importance level - unless there is no cross over in group eligibility. 

Overusing Guaranteed Slots

It is important to use guaranteed slots to just a few activities. Over doing it will cause challenges with the auto scheduler and limit its ability to schedule other activities throughout the week. Decide which activities must be consistently scheduled or are required weekly, assign those guaranteed slots and then let the auto scheduler do the rest. 

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