Camptivities Terminology

You may see a few words throughout Camptivities you are unfamiliar with. Check out our list of terminology to get the full explanation!

Code: a two or three digit unique identifier used to represent an activity, group, or division when listed on a report to save space. 

Group: is an established set of campers who do activities together. At a resident camp you might refer to this as a "cabin," "cabin group," or "bunk."

Day Group: when campers attend a program on certain pre-scheduled days of the week they belong to a "day group." For example you program structure might have campers that come on Tuesdays & Thursday, and another group of campers on Monday, Wednesday, Friday - their schedules will be designed independently of each other. If your campers attend everyday throughout the week, their group is a day group. 

Divisions: a grouping of groups, could also be thought of as a cohort, pod, or neighborhood. Most camp's groups are often put into divisions by age, gender, or grade level. If you have activities with a group capacity higher than one, you have the ability to schedule by divisions, ensuring those similar groups participate together.

Day Schedule: think of your schedules as a filing cabinet full of all the possible schedule templates you use throughout the summer. It is here where you will design what different days look like. You can build everything from drop off & departure day, to a regular day schedule, a special events day, color wars, etc. You will be prompted to name your Day Schedules, as well as name each period (these can be things like numbers or "Lunch" or "Juice Bars"), and designate a time for each period. You will later assign Day Schedules to various dates throughout the session to build your summer schedule.

  • Auto Schedule (AS): allows the auto scheduler to schedule activities during a given activity period
  • Group Schedule (GS):  allows the system to schedule activities by groups/cabins during a given activity period
  • Camper Schedule (CS): allows the system to schedule activities by campers during a given activity period

Zones: designed to split your camp property into groups or sections, zones allow for a smoother transition or shorter travel time between activities. The auto-scheduler only schedules groups for activities one to three zones away from their current activity. 

Importance: this value tells the AutoScheduler which activities to try and schedule first. Higher numbers are given more weight. The default importance is 5. If all activities are set to "5", then everything is equal importance. If you are using guaranteed slots, please visit # to make sure you are using importance correctly.

Categories: a grouping of activities. Your camp may try to control the number of high impact or creative activities a camper has in a day. You can use "categories" to group the similar activities together, and put a limit on how often those activities are assigned in the auto scheduler. For example if you only want 1 creative activities a day, 3 times a week use the categories function.

Guaranteed Slots (#/Wk): This is where you can tell the system the minimum amount of times that a group needs to get an activity. These are typically used for the first few activities that you would schedule by hand. Example: If Swim is the first thing you would typically schedule by hand, and groups need it 5 times per week, you would enter a "5" on Swim in the guaranteed slots field, select "10" on the importance field and this would schedule the group for this activity 5 times each week. For more information about Guaranteed Slots, visit the link here!

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