Weighing Activity Importance Level

The importance level tells the auto scheduler which activities to try and schedule with more urgency. Higher numbers are weighted more and are thus more important, resulting in them being scheduled more frequently. The importance level can be found under activity settings; by default all activities are set at 5, but can be adjusted as needed.

Think of the scheduler as the lotto drawing machine filled with ping pong balls bouncing around. The higher importance level an activity has, the more likely that ping pong ball will be selected, the lower the less likely that ball will be selected. By default the higher level activities have a greater chance of being scheduled because the probability of them being chosen is higher. 

The rules for importance level does change when working with guaranteed slots - for more information check out this article. 

Tips for Setting Importance Levels:

  1. Begin with all activities set at the default level of five. Before making any adjustments, run the auto scheduler and see what happens.
  2. After running the auto scheduler for the first time, run the Activity Tracking Report in the dashboard. Take notes on how often the activities are scheduled. Do certain activities appear too much or not enough? Changing the importance levels will affect the scheduling!
  3. For activities you want to see occur more on the schedule, increase the importance level. The top most important activities to your camp should be rated between eight and ten for importance. 
  4. For activities you want to see less of on the schedule, decrease the importance level.
  5. Multiple activities can hold the same importance level (except for guaranteed slots), so be sure to assign some activities with lower importance as it is good to have a balance. 
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