How are Codes used in Camptivities?
Codes are a great tool for you to easily understand your activities, divisions, group names, and reports. Below we will review what codes are and how to make them helpful and meaningful:
What are Codes? Codes are a two or three digit abbreviation used to easily identify Activities, Divisions and Groups within Camptivities. They are very useful for running reports without having long names that take up space on the report. Here are the various places you will find codes:
- Activity codes will help identify an activity
- Group codes will help identify each group or cabin
- Division codes will be a shorthand for each division
- Activity Category codes help distinguish activity categories
- Camper codes will help identify specific campers (these are rarely used, but are useful for camps that schedule by camper, not by group)
Tip 1: When creating codes, try to be as logical as possible, while keeping it to 2-4 characters (ideally). We want to make sure that anyone in the office can understand the codes.
Tip 2: Codes that start with the same letters will be categorized as the same activity. Swim 1 and Swim 2 should be labeled SW1 and SW2 respectively to help the activity scheduler understand they are the same activity.
Tip 3: Codes are not case sensitive, so sW1 and SW1 will read as the same activity. Make sure to create different codes for each activity.