Primary vs. Secondary Activities

Activities fall into one of two classifications, primary and secondary. When creating a new activity or modifying an existing one, you will be prompted to note whether that particular activity is primary or not, by selecting yes or no. So what's the difference? 

The good news is there is no wrong way to set up your activities when it comes to primary vs. secondary options. You can have your activities be all primary if you want, or a combination of the two. When it comes down to how the system views the two, the difference is in the order they are scheduled. 

Primary Activities

The auto scheduler looks to schedule primary activities first.  Some camps view Primary activities as those that are run by a Staff Member or Activity Specialist. For ex: Archery, Arts & Crafts, Dance, Drama, STEM, Swim Instruction, etc - these activities will be impacted negatively if the campers arrive late.

*In some cases you may choose to set a rule requiring a primary activity to always be followed by a secondary - this can help with high pre/post prep-time, like with swimming. In that case, swimming would be considered a primary activity and a secondary activity would be scheduled before or after swimming, depending on the rule you set up.

Secondary Activities

Once the auto scheduler has exhausted the primary activities in a group schedule, it will then begin to schedule secondary activities. Some camps view Secondary activities as those that aren't run by a Staff Member or Activity Specialist. An example of Secondary activities would be Gaga, Kickball, Lawn Games, etc - these activities won't be impacted negatively if campers arrive late.

Still having trouble deciding how you should classify your activities - let us know! We are happy to walk you through the set up and help brainstorm possible solutions. 

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