Understanding High Pre/Post Prep

The Camptivities scheduler offers a very helpful setting when it comes to those activities that take a few extra minutes to prepare for or wrap up at the end of a period - think swimming! How many times have you heard from staff there just isn't enough time to get from a water activity to a high desired activity because changing swim suits takes so long!

When creating or managing a current activity, you are given the option to select "has high pre/post prep time" under the activity settings. Selecting yes for this option allows you a little more control over what activities are scheduled before and/or after these particular activities.

Auto Scheduling Rules

To make the most of your high prep activities, it is important that you check to make sure your auto scheduling rules are set correctly. These can be found under Camp Settings > AutoScheduling Rules. There are two rules that pertain to the high prep activities - no primary activity BEFORE a high prep activity or no primary activity AFTER a high prep activity. You can have both rules turned on or just one, that is a personal preference based on your scheduling needs. 

Please note, if you choose to use this feature, you must have secondary activities available to be scheduled. Additionally, the secondary activities need to be within the same, or a nearby zone as your high prep activity.

Still having trouble scheduling those few activities that require a little extra transition time - let us know, we are happy to walk you through the set up and help brainstorm possible solutions.

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