Why Set Up Activity Categories?

The goal of the auto-scheduler is to create a diverse activity schedule for each of your groups/campers. In some cases you may have a few activities that offer a similar experience or fall into the same type of activity. Grouping these similar activities into a category allows you the chance to set parameters on how often a group visits those activities in the same day or throughout the week.

Each activity can only fall into one category, and not all activities need to have a category, this is an optional setting per activity. It is important to not over-categorize your activities, doing so would limit the auto-schedulers ability to fill out a groups schedule. Limit the use of this feature to only a couple, critical circumstances.

Creating Categories

Steps to Creating a Category:

For this example we will use "Creative" activities. Imagine your camp offers drawing/painting, pottery, jewelry making, and wood shop.

  1. Select the ZonesCategories tab on the left hand side of the screen. Once in the tab, Categories will be the second option on the right. 

    Set Up Category

  2. Add a New Activity Category:
    1. Give the category a code (CR)
    2. Give the category a name (Creative)
    3. Limit per Day: this is where you distinguish how many times per day you want a group to be scheduled for a creative activity.
    4. Limit per Day Group: this is where you distinguish how many times per week you want a group to be scheduled for a creative activity.
    5. Save

      Category Details

  3. Next, you will have to go in and assign your creative activities to the category.
  4. Switch your screen to your list of activities.
  5. Select the first activity to be added to your category
    1. The fourth setting down, on the given activity, allows you to select an optional category
    2. Select the category you wish to add the activity to
    3. Save
    4. Repeat for all activities in the category

Examples of Categories: HOT, Active, High Intensity, Low Intensity, Water, Grass Games, Specialist

Still having a hard time setting up an activity category, or need help deciding if categories would work for your camp set up? Let us know, we are happy to walk you through the set up and help brainstorm possible solutions. 

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