Importing Groups & Divisions

Importing Groups and Divisions

To avoid having to reinvent the wheel season to season, you can simply import your groups & divisions from a previous session. Doing so will keep all their eligibility and guaranteed slot assignments with them, so no need to do a major overhaul before each summer - unless you have made changes to your camp program. 

Have you created your new session?

  1. Under sessions, create your new session.
  2. Decide which previous session closely mirrors the session you are building. Note, you have ability to select all or just certain groups, so it doesn't need to be an exact match.

How To: Groups

  1. Select 'Groups' from the settings tab
  2. Select your NEW session from the session drop down list. If it is the next session on the calendar, it will appear automatically.
  3. Choose the second orange block 'Import A Group'
  4. Next, on the Choose a different Session drop down menu, select the session you want to import your groups from. Select all, or just the ones you need for your upcoming session
  5. Lastly, import your groups. 

How To: Divisions

  1. Select 'Divisions' from the settings tab
  2. Select your NEW session from the session drop down list. If it is the next session on the calendar, it will appear automatically.
  3. Choose the second orange block 'Import A Division'
  4. Next, on the Choose Session drop down menu, select the session you want to import your divisions from. Select all, or just the ones you need for your upcoming session
  5. Lastly, import your divisions. 

Make sure to hit "Save" in the upper right corner before leaving this page. It is important to always go back and double check to make sure you added all the groups you need and that their divisions are set correctly.

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