Rainy Day Programming: How To

Whether it's an afternoon shower or a daylong thunderstorm, inclement weather always throws a monkey wrench in camp scheduling. The rainy day programming feature on Camptivities allows you to quickly reinvent your schedule in less than a few minutes to accommodate bad weather. The following are the steps you need to take to set up your rainy day schedule:

  1. Brainstorm a list of all the activities at your camp you use during inclement weather and decide how many groups can use that space per activity period. Think about the activities you currently have in Camptivities - will the group capacity change on a rainy day? What about what's happening at that activity on a rainy day vs a normal day, does that change?
    1. If any of the activities on your list are already an activity in Camptivities and the group capacity stays the same in bad weather, and you want it on a rainy day, mark it as 'Yes' for rainy day scheduling. This can be done under the activity setting at the bottom of the page - Use on Rainy Days?
  2. Now that all your current activities you are using for a rainy day schedule are marked as yes, here are a few reasons you may need to create a new activity specific to rainy day scheduling:
    1. If the group capacity differs from a normal day, you will want to make a new activity specific to rainy day scheduling
    2. If the goal/outcome for an activity differs from a normal day (or the type of activity performed at that activity location differs) and you want to ensure groups still have the option to be scheduled for the normal activity, you will want to make a new activity (i.e. the project in arts & crafts is different on a rainy day, so you still want groups to visit arts and crafts later)
  3. Creating new, specific rainy day schedule activities:
    1. All rainy day specific activities should be marked 'Yes' for Use on Rainy Days?
    2. All rainy day specific activities should be marked "Manual" - the scheduler will override the manual and schedule these activities on a rainy day. 
    3. If the activity is totally new and doesn't exists anywhere else on your schedule, add the new activity in the same way you would any other time with the addition of marking it yes for rainy days + setting it to manually.

Running the Rainy Day Scheduler

  1. Go to Schedulers, select Rainy Day Scheduler 
    1. Select the Session & Week
    2. Select the Groups and/or Campers
    3. Select the Days and Periods
  2. Save.

This will remove any of your currently scheduled activities that are set to Rainy Day no and replace them with activities that are set to Rainy Day yes.

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