Scheduling STAFF Meals

A new tool to schedule STAFF meals is being modified and will be released soon. Stay tuned!

You don't need us to tell you this, but your staff get hungry too! If you offer multiple meal shifts, it is important to schedule your staff for meals to ensure a group is not being scheduled for their activity when they should be at a meal. Scheduling staff meals is a bit of a hidden feature on Camptivities, but if you follow the steps below, you'll find it is a very simple process. 

  1. Enable the staff auto scheduling module in the AutoScheduling Rules section listed in the camp section of settings
  2. Double check that each staff member needing an assigned meal is in the system listed under "staff"
  3. Once the staff are in and the staffing module is turned on visit the batch scheduler 
    1. Mode: Batch Schedule
    2. Select your current session & week
    3. Activity: the meal you want to schedule
    4. Meal For: Staff
      1. To the right a list of all your staff will generate. Simply check off each staff member you want assigned to that meal and click save.
    5. Repeat until all staff are assigned to meals

You can now relax knowing your staff have scheduled meals and you don't have to worry about a group showing up to their activity while they are away. 

Still struggling to schedule meals for your staff? Please do not hesitate to reach out!

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