Camper Scheduling Reports Explained

This article explains what information each report provides for camps who do camper based scheduling. All reports can be downloaded as an Excel document or a PDF.

**For reports specific to group/cabin scheduling, please check out the Group Scheduling Reports Overview article.

  • Unfilled Camper Time Slots Report: this report indicates if there are any groups that still have holes in their schedule. You can choose to view this report by select days, or the full week. 
  • Camper Activity Preference Summary: this is a great report to use when planning your summer schedule and deciding how much or how little to offer a given activity. It displays how many campers chose each activity and then breaks it down by preference ranking. 

    Camper Activity Preference Summary

  • Camper Missing Preferences Report: this report displays which camper's you are missing preference information from. It will indicate if they are missing all their preferences or just a select set (i.e. preference number 4, 5, 6) 
  • Camper's Missed Preferences Report: this report lists camper names, by group, and shows any camper's that didn't get any one of their preferences. All of those campers that missed their first preferences will be grouped together, etc. 
  • Camper Activity Export Report: this is a great report to print and give to each camper. Their schedule shows which activity they are scheduled for during each period. You can choose to view this report by day or week. In addition to the camper's name, this report also shows their group, session, and week. 
  • Camper Activity Checker Report: this is a great quick check report. The report allows you to see when particular campers are scheduled for select activities.
  • Camper Activity Report: this is a great report to print and give to each camper. Their schedule shows which activity they are scheduled for during each period. You can choose to view this report by day or week.
  • Weekly Camper Roster Report: this roster shows which campers are scheduled for each activity and what period they are coming to - think activity period attendance sheet. 
  • Weekly Camper Roster Report

  • Camper Activity Roster Report:  similar to the weekly roster report, the Camper Activity Roster shows which group each camper is from, rather than their preference number. 

Camper Activity Roster Report

  • Leader's Activity by Camper Report: this report shows which campers are going to each activity throughout the selected day, similar to an activity roster. This report can be viewed by select days or the whole week.
  • Leader's Camper Report: this report shows each campers schedule in one place. The report can be viewed by select days or the whole week.
  • Leader's Camper Report by Group: similar to the leader's camper report, this report shows each campers schedule, broken down by group. This report can be viewed by select days or the whole week and by select groups.
  • Leader's Camper Report by Division: similar to the leader's camper report, this report shows each campers schedule, broken down by group and division. This report can be viewed by select days or the whole week and by select divisions.
  • All Camper Details Report: a quick check to make sure you have all the information needed for your campers. 
  • Camper Preferences Report: this report allows you to see each of your camper's preferences. Camper names are listed alphabetically 

Camper Preferences Report

  • Camper Activities with Eligible Divisions/Groups: this report allows you to see each of your activities and which group is eligible, whether it should be scheduled by division and the camper minimum/maximum set for each activity.

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