Group Scheduling Reports Explained

This article explains what information each report provides for camps who do group/cabin based scheduling. Some overviews also include a brief snapshot of the report. All reports can be downloaded as an Excel document or as a screen view.

**For reports specific to camper scheduling, please check out the Camper Scheduling Reports Overview article.

  • Activity Details Report: this is a great report to utilize when you to look at all your activity settings in one place. It cleans up all the settings and organizes them per activity on one large grid. 
  • Activity Details Report

  • Activity Tracking Report: this report shows how often a group is scheduled for a given activity, and which period, throughout the week. This report is similar to the Group Activity Checker Report, however this report is broken down by activity. This report is best viewed on a weekly scale, but you can indicate which activities you want to view. 
  • Activity Tracking Report

  • Manually Scheduled Activities Report: this report show you all of the activities that were manually scheduled. If you select nothing from the drop downs, all activities will display on the report. If you'd only like to see a few groups, you can select those activities you'd like. If you'd like most activities, but don't need all of them, you can click "select all" and then uncheck those activities you don't need.
  • Weekly Primary Activity Report: this report shows each primary activity and their schedule for the day(s) or week. You are able to see which groups are scheduled for each period throughout the day. You can choose to view this report by the day or week and by all primary activities, or just select ones.
  • Weekly Secondary Activity Report: this report shows each secondary activity and their schedule for the day(s) or week. You are able to see which groups are scheduled for each period throughout the day. You can choose to view this report by the day or week and by all secondary activities, or just select ones.
  • Stacked Activities Daily Report: this report will combine activities with similar codes to display their schedules back to back for quick viewing.

Stacked Activity Report

  • Stacked Activities Report: this report displays the same information as the Stacked Activities Daily report, just in a weekly view.
  • Leader's Activity Daily Report: this report can only be generated by the day, not the full week. This report shows which groups are going to each activity throughout the selected day.
    • There are two versions - one with codes and one with names. 
  • Leader's Activity Weekly Report: similar to the Leader's Daily Activity Report, this report allows you to see the whole week, rather than just one day at a time.
    • There are two versions - one with codes and one with names.
  • Unfilled Time Slots Report: this report indicates if there are any groups that still have holes in their schedule. You can choose to view this report by select days, or the full week.
    Unfilled Time Slots Report 
  • Group Activity Checker Report: this is a great quick check report. The report allows you to see when particular groups are scheduled for select activities. This report is similar to the Activity Tracking Report, however this report is broken down by group. You select the day (or full week) and which groups and activities you want to view. This report only shows the activities that each particular group is eligible for. Please Note: this report pulls group names, numbers, activity eligibility, etc. at the time the report is pulled, not at the time the autoscheduler was run. 
  • Group Activity Checker Report

  • Weekly Counselor Report: this is a great report to print and give to the group leader or counselor. Each group's schedules shows which activity they are scheduled for during each period. You can choose to view this report by day or week, and by all groups, or just select ones. 

Weekly Counselor Report

  • Stacked Groups Daily Report: similar to a divisions report, this report will combine all groups with the same first digit in their code together and list their activity period schedule, viewed by a selected day.
  • Stacked Groups Weekly Report: similar to a divisions report, this report will combine all groups with the same first digit in their code together and list their activity period schedule, viewed by the week.
  • Similar Named Groups Weekly Report: groups with similar codes (i.e 10A & 10B) can be viewed together to see their activity weekly schedule.
  • Leader's Group Daily Report: this report can only be generated by the day, not the full week. This report shows each group's activity schedule for the day you selected. 
    • There are two versions - one with codes and one with names. 
  • Leader's Group Weekly Report: similar to the Leader's Daily Group Report, this report allows you to see the whole week, rather than just one day at a time.
    • There are THREE versions - one with group codes, one with group names, and one with activity names and group names.
  • Divisions By Day Report: this is a great report to print if you have a staff member who oversees various divisions. At quick glance you can see each group's schedule within a given division.
  • Leader's Division Report: It looks a lot like the Leaders Group Report, but instead of being every group, it will be by division! If you select all of the divisions at once, it will look exactly like the Leaders Group Report, so only select one division at a time when you run the report. 
    • There are THREE versions - one with group codes, one with group names, and one with activity names and group names.
  • Weekly Group Report: Not to be confused with the Weekly Counselor Report. While similar, this report displays the group activities in their own column with the period name displayed in a separate column and cell.
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