Tips for the Auto Scheduler

To ensure the auto scheduler is running effectively, please follow these tips & tricks:

  1. Before running the auto scheduler, make sure you clear it. 
    1. If you have previously input dates using the batch or group scheduler and wish to keep those, select clear auto scheduled only - this will ensure your data is not erased. 
    2. If you want to clear everything, select clear all scheduled activities.
  2. Double check that you are running the auto scheduler for the correct session and week, before you schedule.
  3. Don't run the auto scheduler multiple times in a row, doing so will override all rules previously set. If you are trying to fill unfilled time slots, instead check to see why certain activity slots are not getting filled and fix any problems in the settings before clearing the auto scheduled activities and re-running the auto scheduler - reach out to us if you need help doing so.
  4. Do not exit or refresh the page until you get a notification that the auto scheduler has been successfully run.
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