Elective Sets
Elective Sets are a way to block out a set of activities so they are available to your groups. This feature can be used when you're giving selected groups a choice of activities to go to, and you don't need camper rosters. For example - if you'd like to offer your oldest camper groups the choice of 4 different activities, and they go to any one of those activities, but you don't need lists of who is where.
The benefit of using Elective Sets is the activity won't get scheduled by the Auto Scheduler for any other group. on the Group and the nickname you created will show on the Group and Staff scheduling screens as well as the Weekly Counselor, Activity and Staff Assignment Reports (Staff will automatically be assigned). Important to note that any of the activities in the Elective Set might be assigned during the rest of that day to any of the groups (via the Auto Scheduler).
To create an Elective Set click on Elective Scheduler in Schedulers which will bring you to this screen:
Click on the orange plus sign next to Elective Activity Sets. Create a name & nickname - the nickname will show on your reports. Once you save the name you'll then add the activities you'll want in this set.
Once the set is created, select which groups/divisions are assigned to the set, and which days/periods it will take place, and click save. You have the ability to make this same set for each week in your session. If you only want it in the selected week and there are more weeks in your session, you will get the following pop-up:
You can hit save and it will save to the current selected week only.