Staff Scheduling Reports Explained

This article explains what information each report provides for staff. Some overviews also include a brief snapshot of the report. All reports can be downloaded as an Excel document or as a screen view.

  • Staff Eligibility Report: a quick overview to see what each of your staff member's is eligible to teach, based on what is in the system.

Staff Eligibility Report

  • Weekly Staff Assignments Report: this is a report you would print off and give to each staff member, it shows their schedule. You can choose to print this report by select days, or a full week. 

Weekly Staff Assignments Report

  • Leader's Staff Report: need to locate a certain staff member? This report overviews each staff members' schedule. You can choose to view this report by the day or week. 
  • Staff for Activity: This report will show you when activities were scheduled and which staff member was assigned to that activity. Do you have multiple staff members who teach dance? Run this report and you can see when Dance was scheduled and which staff member was assigned to each period.
  • Staff Availability Report: This will show you which periods your staff members are available to be scheduled based on what you marked for the position availabilities within the staff portal. Did you mark a staff member would be out on a specific day? If so, this report will indicate which days they are available to work.
  • Unfilled Staff Timeslots: Do you want to see where your staff have holes in their schedule? Then check out this report. You can easily see which periods they will have off and choose to assign them to another activity if you'd like.
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