Creating Zones

Zones are designed to split your camp property into groups or sections allowing for a smoother transition or shorter travel time between activities. The auto-scheduler only schedules groups for activities one to three zones away from their current activity. 

To begin planning your camp's zones, it is best to look at a birds-eye-view map of your property. From there, create clusters of activity areas that groups can easily move from one to the other. The auto scheduler works best if you have four to six zones, each containing no less than three activities. If you have a small camp and travel time isn't an issue, consider making just one camp zone that all your activities are in. Keep in mind, every activity must be added to a zone. 

Sample Zone Set-Up

  1. Waterfront
  2. Arts / Creative
  3. Athletics
  4. Target Sports
  5. High Adventure
  6. Culinary 

In the sample listed above, if a group was scheduled for 4th period Climbing in the High Adventure zone, for 5th period, they would only be eligible for an activity in the Culinary, Target Sports, or Athletics zone. 

Still having a hard time setting up an activity zone, or smoothing out activity transitions - let us know, we are happy to walk you through the set up and help brainstorm possible solutions. 

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